Participation Level
A Regular is a person who is involved or interested in the work but without an active role in decision-making.
Leader • Contributor • Attendee • Regular • Visitor • Stranger
A Regular is a person who is involved or interested in the work but without an active role in decision-making. They are team members with very limited decision rights about the things that happen on the team.
We consider people to be Regulars when their participation is appreciated but not needed for most decisions on the team.
In the analogy of a country, Regulars are the “undocumented immigrants”.
Rules / Constraints
This pattern can be combined with other patterns in many ways. We have not yet identified any limiting constraints.

“When you try to be everything to everyone, you accomplish being nothing to anyone.”
(Source: “Can a Tool Be Complete?”)
Note: Find a quote you like (generic or from our blog posts) that fits well with unFIX.