Process & Growth Patterns
Process and Growth Patterns support your organization in staying ahead of the competition. You can reflect on your value streams to make sure innovation is happening. Besides that you can understand your customers needs better using the Human Drive patterns!
The Innovation Vortex is a merger of Design Thinking and Lean Startup phases.
Innovation Vortex
Awareness of the business lifecycle helps organizations anticipate the challenges they are facing soon.
Lifecycle Stages
To survive and thrive, an organization must do everything simultaneously: Maintenance, Improvement, Extension, and Disruption (or, of you prefer: Horizons zero to three).
Investment Horizons
What are the different ways of funding a team and paying for the work they do and the resources they need?
Funding Options
Value streams represent the series of processes or steps that create value for a customer.
Value Streams
A queue or backlog is a temporary container for a collection of tasks, features, or projects.
Queues and Backlogs
The planning constraints are based on the famous project management triangle (or iron triangle).
Planning Constraints
Human Drives are a set of needs and desires used as a tool to better understand what drives humans (customers, employees, leaders, etc.) in certain situations and decision making processes.
Human Drives