
Dependency Breakers

Organize people in a cohesive unit to capture all dependencies.


Organize people into autonomous teams that can handle all dependencies together. The idea of forming cohesive units is exemplified in the practice of Crew Types, characterized by their cross-functional nature, with all the skills necessary to complete a task within the team. Having people with T-shaped skills in units (i.e., having all the skills to get the work done) not only diminishes structural dependencies but also enhances team flexibility and problem-solving capabilities when issues arise.


Dependencies are not necessarily bad. Actually, there are many good reasons for people to depend on each other. But you have a problem when those dependencies result in value that is not able to flow.

Rules / Constraints

  • We have not yet defined any rules or constraints.

“We have broken the cycle of dependency. People have found out they're better off working.”

(Source: John Engler)