Steady Team

Teaming Option

The team is long-lived and team membership changes rarely.

Teaming Options: Steady Team β€’ Dynamic Team β€’ Mission Team β€’ Liquid Team


A Steady Team is long-lived, and membership changes rarely. People are each other's team members for a long time. Such a team is a good option when their work is an ongoing responsibility with a steady workload. A Steady Team may also provide a sense of belonging, cohesion, and recognition when the surrounding environment does not offer this sufficiently.


An example of a steady team is a product team in software development. The team "owns" the code; there are few or no changes in team membership, and the team exists for as long as the product does. This is a typical pattern we find in various agile product management methods.

Rules / Constraints

  • We have not yet defined rules or constraints.

β€œLet no one think that flexibility and a predisposition to compromise is a sign of weakness or a sell-out.”

(Source: Paul Kagame)