Qualification Experiment

What is the Qualification Experiment?

The Qualification Experiment is an unFIX take on "Certifications"

We believe that knowledge increases when it is shared. 

We believe that innovation arises at interfaces where different experiences meet. 

And we do not believe that certificates are representative of quality. In times when knowledge evolves constantly, other forms of presenting expertise are needed.

Our Qualification Experiment is a platform for learning & growth.

We measure the knowledge and experience of a person by looking at the content they have produced within a specific field (which we call a Track).
In fact, the best way to learn something is to teach it. The more everyone shares their ideas, experience, and knowledge with the world, the more people will be ignited.

Your Value from our Qualification Experiment:

  • You will be recognised as thought leader in your area of expertise, because you can showcase your knowledge and promote your experiences within the community.

  • We will guide you through your individual learning journey by creating a personal growth plan.

A person with an open mind surrounded by other people who educate them in different ways.

How does the Qualification Experiment work?

  1. You do something relevant to your interest using unFIX patterns.

  2. You submit it.

  3. We credit you with points.

  4. You level up in the Tracks of your choice.

It is as simple as it gets: The more content you create and submit, the more you level up with us!

The Submissions

Content and activities come in different shapes and sizes, so we allow most types to be used! On the right is a graphic of accepted submissions with their respective values in points.

This is not exclusive, so feel free to reach out with other types and activities, and we will add them gradually.

A scale depicting awarded points for different type of content
Qualification Tracks showing grouping and correlation of different tracks

The Business Background include skills & knowledge related to:

Management & Leadership
Legal & Compliance
Finance & Accounting
Sales & Marketing
Project & Portfolio Management
Start-Ups & Entrepreneurship

A web diagram of how a person's prfoile might look participating in the qualification experiment

The Tracks

You can showcase and develop your expertise in 18 different tracks, which can be categorised in the following three backgrounds: Human, Business & Technical.

The Human Background include skills & knowledge related to:

Coaching & Mentoring
Self-Development & Growth
Change Management
User Experience & Design
Innovation & Agility
HR & People Development

The Technical Background include skills & knowledge related to:

Quality Ensurance & Testing
Development & Engineering
Service & Support
Architecture & Technical Design
Operations & Maintenance
Product Management

The Diplomas and Badges 

We want to reward you for your ongoing learning process with us and highlight your special achievements using the following:

Diplomas for achieving a particular level in a Track:

  • Explorer title for levels 1-9

  • Practitioner title for levels 10-19

  • Proficient title for levels 20-29

  • All-star title for levels 30+

Badges for many things, such as overall level across all the Tracks, different types of submissions, specific community activities, and of course, for completing our official training, too.

You can show all badges and diplomas in your profile on the unFIX website for free (coming soon) and see how your profile grows.
As a Community+ member or unFIX partner, you can also export and verify your badges on your LinkedIn page. Check out our membership plans for even more benefits.

Experiment Successful

We ran the Qualification Experiment until September 2023 and then decided to take it public with a simplified approach, in particular focusing on one track only.