Partnership Crew
Crew Type
The Partnership Crew cares about vendors, freelancers, and gig workers.
Crew Types: Governance Crew • Value Stream Crew • Facilitation Crew • Capability Crew • Platform Crew • Experience Crew • Partnership Crew
The Partnership Crew has an almost identical role as the Experience Crew. While the Experience Crew focuses on customers and users, the Partnership Crew keeps its focus on vendors, partners, freelancers, and gig workers. Any person or entity that your company signs contracts with, through either procurement or human resources, could become the focus of attention of the Partnership Crew.
In many businesses, a Partnership Crew is likely to have low priority, which is a bad thing, in our opinion. Vendors and freelancers can make or break a company. If their experience is bad, they can decide to leave. How easily would the company be able to find alternatives? The only thing that keeps a bad company from imploding is employees and suppliers not walking away.
If you have a Partnership Crew, its members should ensure that vendors, freelancers, gig workers, or business partners get fair treatment from the various Value Stream Crews. Nobody likes having to deal with bureaucracy. Nobody deserves waiting months before getting paid. Don't let your suppliers suffer.
Rules / Constraints
The Partnership Crew monitors the entire vendor journey.
The Partnership Crew helps Value Stream Crews to optimize the whole rather than just their own parts.

“Cooperation is the thorough conviction that nobody can get there unless everybody gets there.”
(Source: Virginia Burden)
Visual MS is a Spanish business software development group with 114 employees organizing with different Product Type Turfs and scaling up via bases, leagues, and a crowd.