Community Meetups

What is a movement without their Community?
And how else should Community feel connected, if they don’t have Community Meetups?!

One hour, once per month!

That's precisely why unFIX hosts monthly virtual Community Meetups, providing an opportunity for the community to connect directly with the Core Team.

During these meetups, we frequently share updates on the latest developments in our patterns and the evolution of our toolset, including insights into the exciting progress of unFIX Patterns. It's an engaging and interactive session, lasting about an hour, where participants can learn, share, and connect.

Rest assured, the Meetups are recorded, allowing all Community+ members and partners to access and watch the recordings. However, it's important to note that these meetups are open to the public, welcoming both members and non-members alike. We actively promote our events several weeks in advance and strive to schedule them at different time slots to accommodate participants from around the world.

Join us at our next Community Meetup and be part of this vibrant gathering of like-minded individuals, eager to explore and contribute to the unFIX journey.

Live! Free! Public!

You have something to share in the Community Meetup? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

The Meetups are not the only way how to interact with likeminded people! We have several other type of interactions!

Read more about it in those pages!

Nothing feels better than knowing that other organisations and people in them have had similar struggles with yourself.

Don’t hesitate to contact people from the Case Study posts and for sure don’t hesitate to contact us, if you want to share your story!

“ If you want to go far, go anyone.”

(African Proverb)