Self-Similar Scaling
A Coalition is a team of Leagues (similar to a Cluster being a team of Bases). The goal of a Coalition is for multiple Leagues to work together on one large product or service.
Teams exist not only within a Base. Multiple Bases can also team up to get something done. Within one Base, we call such a team a Crew. When multiple Bases join forces, we call them a Cluster. And when various Leagues are collaborating, we call them a Coalition.
Coalitions typically consist of between three to seven Leagues. They are, to a large extent, autonomous and self-organizing. We say "to a large extent" because there are always some constraints on self-organization imposed by a Governance Coalition (aka the management team of the Crowd). Coalitions might have the autonomy to decide on their own objectives, processes, roles, and membership. They are a time-bound team on a mission to get something done.
The unFIX model is fractal, which means that the same patterns repeat themselves under different names. Crews (in Bases), Clusters (in Leagues), and Coalitions (in Crowds) are all surprisingly similar. They are just applicable at different scales. To understand how Coalitions work, you should first have some experience with Crews and Clusters.
Rules / Constraints
A Coalition is a small group of Leagues that work together.
The Coalition exists for (at least) the duration of a defined mission.
The Coalition is, to a large extent, autonomous and self-organizing.
There is no manager on the Coalition managing the other Coalition members.

“Anything you build on a large scale or with intense passion invites chaos.”
(Source: Francis Ford Coppola)