Let’s Unfix Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS)
As a framework, LeSS offers part organization design and part process flow. It seems to me that LeSS and unFIX are pretty complementary.
Let’s Unfix the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
It is worth investigating how SAFe compares to unFIX. The question keeps coming up, so let's tackle it. What are the differences?
The unFIX Model
It is time for an alternative to SAFe, LeSS, Holacracy, Management 3.0, the Spotify model, and matrix organizations. We need something that takes flexibility to a new level, and that embraces hybrid working as the new normal. Here is my suggestion. I call it unFIX.
The unFIX Model for Versatile Organizations
The unFIX model as described here is ready for a future of dynamic reteaming, team topologies, and hybrid working. It allows a company to become a genuinely versatile organization.