What’s Next After Agile? (Survey Results)
Last month, we conducted a survey titled “Agile Is Not Dying; It's Dissolving—What Now?” In this survey, we asked three questions: What is now the main concern or interest of higher management? What happens with budgets that were previously spent on Agile? What is the next big thing worth talking about, after Agile?

Checklist for Workshop Organizers
I decided to make a checklist for in-person workshops. Most items on this list are based on my own experiences. The result is a list of 52 checklist items. You may want to use this list to check how many points your workshop organizer earned. 😉

Draw your Base(s) with the unFIX Plotter
Do you remember the time when you wanted to draw your first Value Stream Crew? Do you also remember the feeling when reality kicked in, and you’ve realized that they expect you to copy and paste shapes from bloody PowerPoint slides? Well, I remember too… That was the point when I swore to resolve this once and for all, by coming up with a digital tool which can plot my organization to a canvas. And that is when the unFIX Plotter was born.

Organisational Re-Design at Leroy Merlin France (IT Department) with unFIX
Organisational re-design at Leroy Merlin France with unFIX

How to unFIX a University
Can a university be unfixed and to what extent does it make sense at all to regard it as an agile, dynamic organization?
unFIX at Globant (Columbia)
During the 2022 last months, I spent some of my learning time dedicating hours to study about the unFIX Model.

Qualification Experiment
The qualification experiment is the unFIX approach to certifications

Value Is Customer Experience, Not Customer Expectation
The biggest mistake that agilists make is to misunderstand the meaning of value. It’s not about increasing the speed of deployments and releasing as often as possible. Value is customer experience, not customer expectation.

The Multiteaming Way: Organized Anarchy at a Startup Company
Multiteaming is a form of organized anarchy. A whole-team method for everything doesn't work for us. And one person per area also doesn't work. Multiteaming is a practical solution for now.

Explore the Nature of Decision-making with The Roadmap of Death Serious Game
Discovering the nature of decision-making is a clear aspect of creating self-organized teams that can take responsibility for their actions. Understanding the available decision methods and applying them with our teams is a giant step toward progress in our companies.

Agility Scales Is Dead. Long Live The unFIX Company.
By shedding the language of our past, we can more easily cut a path toward the future.

The next phase: Formation and Validation
How do we turn unFIX into a viable business that helps people make their own methods? How do we help organizations to scale out rather than scale up?

Find the Why with Jobs-to-Be-Done
Why are we still talking about product backlogs and product roadmaps? Shouldn’t they be experience backlogs and experience roadmaps? Successful companies optimize their value streams around the Jobs-to-Be-Done and the experiences that they want customers to have.

Don't implement frameworks; try some patterns.
Patterns, recipes, and practices are descriptions of observable forms or outcomes. They are not something to be implemented.

unFIX Foundation workshop (a reflection)
This week, I attended an amazing two days #unfix workshop in Munich. We had so many challenging topics and conversations. The headline is #unFIX. Questioning organisational models and understanding the design patterns.

The 25 Drives Grid
Human motivation is an essential topic for product managers and change leaders. Without motivation, clients won’t consider trying out our products, and co-workers won’t be interested in changing their ways of working.

unFIX at VRT NU/VRT MAX (Case Study)
When working in an agile context, a lot of the unFIX patterns will probably feel very familiar. They make for a flexible toolkit that can be used to describe a wide variety of organization forms.