The Support Automaton

We’ve uncovered fifteen AI use case patterns (there are probably more) and given each one a name. This is the fourteenth of the fifteen.

Customer service system automating interactions and resolving issues.

Anyone who's ever had to talk with a help desk agent knows there is a world to win in the area of customer service and support.

The Support Automaton is the AI pattern that can revolutionize customer service by automating interactions and streamlining issue resolution processes. Provided the AIs are sophisticated enough, they can enhance both customer experience and operational efficiency by providing instant, accurate responses to inquiries and guiding users through troubleshooting steps.

Capable of handling a wide range of customer interactions, from simple FAQ responses to complex problem-solving scenarios, the Support Automaton learns and improves from each interaction. By analyzing customer feedback and interaction data, this pattern would also provide valuable insights for continuous service improvement and product development.

More examples:

  • A global telecommunications company implements the Support Automaton pattern to handle customer inquiries across multiple channels (chat, voice, and email), with the AI successfully resolving most customer issues without human intervention.

  • An e-commerce giant utilizes the Support Automaton to create a personalized assistant. The AI analyzes customer purchase history, browsing behavior, and current inquiries to provide tailored assistance.

  • A software company employs the pattern to create an intelligent troubleshooting system for their complex enterprise software. The AI guides users through step-by-step problem-solving processes, adapting its approach based on user responses and system diagnostics.

Similar to the Personal Weaver pattern, the Support Automaton improves the user experience. However, the focus is on support and assistance rather than personalization based on preferences.


The Experience Generator


The Decision Optimizer