The Content Transformer

We’ve uncovered fifteen AI use case patterns (there are probably more) and given each one a name. This is the fourth of the fifteen.

Enhancing and reimagining content across various mediums.

Do you need a French version of your welcome speech? Want to recreate images in a different style? Turn a long video into a bite-sized summary? GenAI tools can do such work for you. For example:

“I need a summary of the key takeaways of yesterday's meeting, translated into German.”

The Content Transformer is the name we use for the pattern that deals with transforming, enhancing, and reimagining existing content across diverse formats and mediums. Using advanced AI techniques, we can adapt, translate, and transmute content into new forms and styles. This pattern is not only about transformation but also about amplification by adding details, variations, and embellishments or by generating additional context and information.

More examples:

  • A global corporation uses the Content Transformer pattern when simultaneously translating and localizing its annual report into 20 languages, complete with culturally appropriate idioms and region-specific financial data visualizations.

  • A music producer can employ the pattern when reimagining a classical symphony as a modern electronic dance track.

  • An e-learning platform would utilize the Content Transformer to automatically generate personalized study materials from a single textbook for different types of audiences.

Similar to the Content Creator pattern, the Content Transformer emphasizes delegating parts of the content creation process to AIs so that humans can focus on strategic thinking.


The Iterative Sculptor


The Content Creator