unFIX Plotter App
Graphical organization design paired with the possibility of linking people with their crews and participation levels. This great tool from Gabor Daher also offers collaboration support and integration with Miro.
The next steps for the plotter will be API support and other business-ready functionality.
Apps for unFIX
unFIX Cards for Miro
All unFIX cards are available for Miro. The app allows you to search for cards and drag them to your Miro board. Jens Thiemann created the app and added many usability features. Different card sizes, hiding/revealing cards, and linking to the original descriptions are useful for users and facilitators.
The app supports English, German, French, Portuguese, and Spanish cards.
See miro.com/marketplace/unfix-cards/
With unFIXable, Gerardo Garcios created an app that supports playful learning.
It comes with tons of different quests, challenging you to create different organization designs.
You can solve these on your own and win points in the weekly “competition” or directly play with multiple players. For a better learning experience, the app also comes with a GPT integration, trained with the unFIX pattern library.
See unfixable.app